viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Flipped Clasroom what is different?

Hola a tod@s , normalmente suelo compartir materiales en español, pero he encontrado este material de la Universidad de Texas que vale realmente la pena. Aprovecho para mandar un saludo a tod@s y agradeceros las 1000 visitas al blog.

What is Different about a Flipped Classroom?

Instructors who are flipping their class often describe the impact of this shift by making comparisons like the ones in the following table:


(Before the Flip)

lecturewith audience.png


(After the Flip)


Before Class
 Students assigned something to read
 Students guided through learning module that asks and collects questions.
 Instructor prepares lecture.
 Instructor prepares learning opportunities.
Beginning of Class
 Students have limited information about what to expect.
 Students have specific questions in mind to guide their learning.
  Instructor makes general assumption about what is helpful.
 Instructor can anticipate where students need the most help.
During Class
 Students try to follow along.
 Students practice performing the skills they are expected to learn. 
 Instructor tries to get through all the material.
 Instructor guides the process with feedback and mini-lectures. 
After Class
 Students attempt the homework, usually with delayed feedback.
 Students continue applying their knowledge skills after clarificationa and feedback.
 Instructor grades past work.
 Instructor posts any additional explanations and resources as necessary and grades higher quality work.
Office Hours
 Students want confirmation about what to study.
 Students are equipped to seek help where they know they need it.
 Instructor often repeats what was in lecture.
 Instructor continues guiding students toward deeper understanding.
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